How to register Binance Exchange with email?
Please refer to the following GIF to get a better idea about how to register on Binance.
1、Click here to enter the registration page,please follow the on-screen instructions and insert the email address and password that you’ll use for your account. After reading the TOU carefully, click on [Create account].
The password must be a combination of numbers and letters which contain at least 8 characters, one UPPER CASE letter, and one number.
If you’ve been referred to register on Binance by a friend, make sure to fill in the right Referral ID (optional).
2、 After clicking [register], please choose the option according to your circumstance.
3、After clicking, the system will send a verification code to your email that will be valid for 30 minutes. Please login to your email box to check and enter the verification code in time.
4、After entering the verification code, the following page will appear to show that you have successfully registered.
For your own account security, make sure to enable two-factor authentication (2FA) after your first login. Both Google 2FA and SMS 2FA are available.